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The Personality and Character Ethics

If you want to change the situation, you first have to change yourself. And to change yourself effectively, you need to change your perception.

Almost all of the 150 years of literature focused on ‘character ethic’ as foundation of success—things like integrity, patience, justice etc. These basic principle of effective living helps to experience happiness. But shortly after World War 1 the basic view shifted from character ethic to personality ethic. Success became a function of personality, public image, and positive mental attitude. In short lived interaction you can use personality ethics to make your impression, but in long rum it can’t be successful.

Everyone has layers and layers of potential that would be realized at different pace and speed. We need to relax and let personality emerge.

Primary and Secondary Greatness

The elements of personality ethics are secondary, not primary traits of success. In short run, pick up quick, easy technique helps to create charm on other person. Eventually, if there isn’t deep integrity and fundamental character strength, human relationship failure will replace short term success. There are situation where people have character strength but they lack communication skill. It would affect the quality of relationship but the effects will still be secondary. What we are communicates far more eloquently than anything we say or do.

The power of paradigm

Paradigm comes from Greek which means theory, model or frame of reference or model of something else. We can see paradigm as maps. A map is simply an explanation of certain aspects of the territory. That’s exactly what paradigm is.

Each one of us has many maps in our head, which can be divided into two main categories:-

· Map of the way things are or realities

· Maps of the way things should be or values

We interpret everything we experience through these mental maps. The way we see things is the source of the way we think and the way we act. These paradigms are source of our attitude and behaviors. We see the world, not as it is, but as we are.

The power of a paradigm shift

Paradigm shifts move us from one way of seeing the world to another. They shift is us in positive or negative directions. Many people experience similar fundamental shift in thinking when they face life threating crises. And those shifts create powerful change.

If we want to make minor change in our lives, we can focus on our attitude. But if you want to make significant change, work on your paradigms.

The principle centered paradigm

The character ethic is based on principles that govern human effectiveness—principle of integrity, principle of dignity etc. The more closely our paradigms will align with principles, the more functional will they be.

The principle of growth and change

In all phases of life, in all areas of development, each step is important and takes its time. No step can be skipped.

A new Level of Thinking

We need a deeper level of thinking, as significant problems can’t be solved with same level of thinking we were when we created them. If you want the secondary greatness of recognized talent, focus on primary greatness of character. The ‘inside- out’ approach says that private victories precede public victories. It is futile to put personality ahead of character. Inside out is upward spiral of growth that leads interdependence.

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