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There is only one universal healing principle operating throughout everything—the cat, the dog, the tree, the grass –for everything that is alive. The life principle operates as instinct and the law of growth. Man is consciously aware of this life principle, and he can consciously direct it to bless himself in countless ways. Religious science practitioner, psychologists or surgeons remove the physical block enabling the healing currents to function normally. This healing principle is operative in all men regardless of creed, color or race. There are many different ways, techniques or approaches in using this universal power, but there is only one process of healing, which is faith. It is foolish to believe in sickness and it is something that hurts you. Believe in perfect health, prosperity, peace. In prayer therapy you consciously choose an idea, or plan which you desire to experience. You convey this idea to your subconscious mind by feeling the reality of the state assumed. If you remain faithful, your prayer will be answered. Apply the power of prayer therapy in your life. Learn to pray for your loved ones who may be ill. Your thoughts of health, vitality and perfection operating through one universal subjective mind will be felt and resurrected in the mind of your loved ones. Great and noble thoughts upon which you habitually dwell become great acts.

"Find out what is it that heals you. Realize that right directions given to your subconscious mind will heal your body."
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