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  • Book Summaries


Your subconscious mind never grows old. It is timeless, ageless and endless. Patience,

kindness, love and understanding are qualities will never grow old. Old age may be called

the contemplation of truths of God from the highest standpoint. The joys of old age are

greater than those of youth. You cannot see your mind, but you know you have a mind. You

cannot see spirit, but you the spirit of game. Likewise the spirit of goodness, truth, and

beauty moving in your mind and heart is real. We do not count a man’s years until he has

nothing else to count. Your faith and conviction are not subject to decay. Age is not flight of

years; it is dawn of wisdom in the mind of man. The most productive years of your life can

be from sixty-five to ninety-five, you have opportunity to mediate on divine things. Fear of

old age can bring about physical and mental deterioration. You are as young as you think.

The fruits of old age are love, joy, peace, faith. Become a producer not a prisoner of society.

Look ahead, for at all times you are gazing at infinite intelligence. You are son of infinite life,

which knows no end. You are a child of eternity.

Ralph waldo said, “ We do not count a man’s years until he has nothing else to count.”
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