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  • Book Summaries


Marriage is the union of a man and woman who are bound together by love. Their hearts

beat as one and they move onward, upward, and Godward. Each partner should be

perfectly honest and sincere with the other. It is not a true marriage when a man marries

women for money, social; position because that indicates lack of honesty and true love.

Marriage does not bequeath happiness. People find happiness by dwelling on the eternal

truths of gods and the spiritual values of life.

You must build into your mentality the mental equivalent of what you want in a marriage

partner. If you want to attract an honest, sincere, and loving partner in life, you must be

honest, sincere, and loving yourself. Trust implicitly the wisdom of your subconscious mind.

It has the “know-how”, you don’t have to assist it.

Ignorance of mental and spiritual laws is the cause of all martial unhappiness. The best time to

prevent divorce is before marriage. If you learn how to pray in the right way, you will attract the

right mate for you. In martial problems always seek expert advice. You would not go to a

carpenter to pull a tooth; neither should you discuss your marriage problem with relatives or


Pray together and you will stay together. Scientific prayer solves all the problems. Mentally

picture your wife as she ought to be, joyous, and happy. See your husband as he ought to be,

strong, loving, and kind.

"Maintain this mental picture, and you will experience the marriage made in heaven which is harmony and peace."
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