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  • Book Summaries


“The way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement.”

The deepest urge in the human nature is the desire” to be important.” The desire for a feeling of importance is one of the chief distinguishing difference between mankind and the animals.

It was the desire for a feeling of importance that inspired Dickens to write his immoral novels. This desire inspired Sir Christoper Wren to design his symphonies in stone. This desire made Rockefeller amass millions that he never spent! And this same desire made the richest family in our town build a house far too large for their requirements.

There is nothing else that so kills the ambition of a person as criticism from superiors. Never Criticize anyone. Believe in giving a person incentive to work.

Become anxious to praise but loath to find faults. Sincere appreciation was one of the secrets of the first John D. Rockefeller’s success in handling men.

One of the most neglected virtues of our daily existence is appreciation. Somehow, we neglect to praise our son and daughter when he or she brings home a good report card. Nothing pleases children more than this kind of parental interest and approval. Try leaving a friendly trail of little sparks of gratitude on your daily trips. You will be surprised how they will set small flames of friendship that will be rose beacons on your next visit.

Honest appreciation got results where criticism and ridicule failed.

Be hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise.

PRINCIPLE 2: Give honest and sincere appreciation.

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